I felt this was truly the turning point in his life when he was being helped to be a better himself. The staff at Takitimu were caring, but firm.

A couple of years ago my son was going through a very difficult time in his life. Then he found himself homeless after his accommodation was taken over and all occupants had to find new living. He ended up sleeping rough when he was referred by WINZ to Takitimu House. 

I felt this was truly the turning point in his life when he was being helped to be a better himself. The staff at Takitimu were caring, but firm. 

Prior to Takitimu House I always worried about where he was heading in life. They have helped him through different services to face his problems/concerns. They also helped him into new accommodation. 

Now our talks on the phone are very happy ones. The anxiety of wondering if he is ok is no longer with me. Yes, life is always going to send you challenges but I believe we are all in a better place to cope together thanks to Annamarie and her crew. 

They will always be there as friends.